Structure of GP Training

3 years as a standard, split into ST1, ST2 and ST3.

You need to complete 12 months in hospital as a mandatory requirement which can be in ST1 or ST2. You can choose to do both hospital jobs in ST1, or split the period and do 6 months in ST1 and 6 months in ST2.

ST3 is always spent in General Practice and you will be assigned to the same practice for the whole of your ST3 year. Trainees new to the NHS usually go into a GP post first as there is more support available. 


HDR Sessions (half day release)

Mandatory when in General Practice - you are paid to attend these.

They are run on Thursdays in school term time, usually in one of the 3 education centres, although will sometimes be run on Teams.


We usually run in 3 groups.

ST1's with Gareth, ST2's with Sarah and ST3's with Julie.

We will sometimes run sessions for 2 groups together or all 3 groups together.

Twice a term we will run smaller mixed year sessions to enable you to mix with trainees from other years.

Out of term time these sessions should be an SDL. These sessions will come out of your study leave entitlement.



As part of your teaching you are expected to attend regular study days organised by the scheme. You must apply for study leave well in advance and plan ahead. Your attendance at these sessions is compulsory.

Study Leave Process For GP Trainees in P[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [106.8 KB]

Uploading Form R

Instructions below:

Uploading Form R – FourteenFish Help Centre


GP Trainee Handbook
Updated January 2024
VTS Handbook 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [819.1 KB]
Absence Form
Absence Form.docx
Microsoft Word document [32.6 KB]
Buddy Scheme Handbook
The Gwent and South Powys GP Scheme has a peer run Buddy programme to help new ST1s settle into the scheme. You'll receive more information on this prior to starting. The handbook below has been created to work alongside the programme.
Buddy Scheme Handbook.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [933.6 KB]
Support Organisations
Support Organisations.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [499.4 KB]
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